You can now develop your Interview and Interrogation expertise, online, at your own pace of learning.

Classroom training is often a real treat, especially when we consider that more than 3 quarters of people haven’t attended a course of any kind in the last two years. If they’re not attending courses (even if they like them), then how are they developing themselves? Nowadays, officers are as likely to be self-directing their own learning, web-searching when situations arise or asking a colleague. In this respect, ‘learning’ is wedded to the work itself – on a ‘grab-and-go’ basis. Real learning occurs in the act of applying new knowledge or know-how and the immediate feedback of, did it go well or did it not?

Smart Law enforcement agencies are finding ways to use technology to address all of their learning priorities and are doing so by appealing to what their officers are motivated to do, which is learning at work to be better and more effective at their jobs, and to progress their careers.

When we recognise these motivations, we can support our officers with technology, influencing and enhancing every day performance, whilst building essential capability in areas that are often lacking.

III are Proud partners with Looop, a leading learning platform that delivers content just how user are familiar with using it. With over one hundred training videos, interviews, expert tips and troubleshooting sessions, the Institute’s online learning and development programs for Interviews and Interrogation expertise, is the most comprehensive of its kind, anywhere in the world today.